Sunday, November 10, 2013

"I Saw The LIght Ministries"

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People who have the mark of the beast apply the following bumper stickers to their cars!

These bumperstickers teach that you do not have to accept Jesus as your only Saviour. They teach that you can and should accept witchcraft and islam to be equal to christianity. These stickers reflect the mindset (forehead and right hand) of the people who have the mark of the beast, that is the badge of servitude to islam and other antichrist spirits.
Many of you have seen this bumper sticker on MANY cars across America. What does the Bumper sticker mean? It is another effort to get everyone to accept islam, witchcraft and the mark of the beast! It's an effort to get all people to GO ALONG, to NOT offend, to accept anything and everything, to do what's right in ones own eyes!

the C with the star is the cresent moon symbol for islam, (islam comes first of course)
the O is the symbol for peace,
the E is the symbol for males/females,
the X is the star of david, symbol for Judaism,
the I is dotted with a Wiccan Pentangle,
the S is the symbol for the yin-yang or confucinism,
the T is the symbol for Christianity, (Christianity comes LAST of course)

Interesting Blog on the Coexist bumper sticker and the mark of the beast at

Coexist: Corexit Connection?


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