Monday, October 28, 2013

Foreign Troops On American Soil?

  1. Military Drills and Black Helicopters in U.S. Cities Spark Panic › U.S. News › Constitution
    Feb 1, 2013 - Military Drills and Black Helicopters in U.S. Cities Spark Panic ... similar controversial military exercises on American soil are nothing new.
  2. No Moon, Just Black Helicopters over Miami - Tea Party Tribune
    Jan 28, 2013 - Related Itemsamerican soilblack helicoptersconspiracy theoristsforbes magazine articlehigh rise condominiumHomeland Securityposse ...
  3. Black Helicopters over America: Strikeforce for the New ... - Goodreads
     Rating: 3.6 - ‎14 votes
    Black Helicopters over America has 14 ratings and 2 reviews. ... secret agents conducting experiments and clandestine operations on American soil.... or not... it  ...
  4. Hello Black Helicopters: Why All The Drills? | Clouverse
    Aug 10, 2013 - Unidentified black helicopters have been spotted over houses ... While the army has been known to conduct military drills on American soil, this ...
  5. Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the ... - › ... › Modern (16th-21st Centuries) › 20th Century
     Rating: 2.9 - ‎15 reviews
    The original book on the black helicopter phenomenon! ... speculation on the meaning of UN troop training manuevers on US soil--an unconstitional act--as well ...
  6. Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the ... - Google Books › Political Science › General
    ... out-there government conspiracies surrounding black helicopters and secret agents conducting experiments and clandestine operations on American soil .
  7. A Possible Explanation of the Black Helicopter Phenomenon
    This helicopter is now used for every mission that the U.S armed forces fly: .... as " the movement of foreign troops onto U.S. soil under the auspices of the UN".
  8. - Google Groups ... Last night I had difficulties sleeping in my car, because a helicopter hovered in the top of my ... War is coming to American Soil.
  9. Military Drills and Black Helicopters in U.S. Cities Spark Panic ... › Forums › Community Discussion › The News Wire
    Feb 5, 2013 - 4 posts - ‎3 authors
    [ATTACH] Military Drills and Black Helicopters in U.S. Cities Spark ... similar controversial military exercises on American soil are nothing new.
  10. BLACK HELICOPTERS EXIST - The Forbidden Knowledge
    Years ago, the unit who flies the black helicopters was a "big secret" and the public ...American Citizens on U.S. soil, that should be cause for alarm and outrage.

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.  

- Isaiah 54:17


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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Doctor(s) Against Obamacare

Pennsylvania Doctor Releases Statement 
Against "Murderous Obamacare"
October 24, 2013 • 11:57AM
Statement released by Mark Shelley, M.D., D.A.B.F.P. 1 Willow St., Port Allegany PA
For more information: (267)218-5655
As a physician and an American, I feel compelled at this time of peril, to address the changes that I see in the process of the actual delivery of health care to the American people.
From my perspective as a general practitioner of medicine, and from my concern as a citizen for my fellow man, I must speak out to explain the dangers that I see in the implementation of American health care today, as exemplified by Obamacare.
What I see being done today is chillingly consistent with the findings and warnings of Dr. Leo Alexander, the chief consultant to the U.S. prosecutors at the Nuremberg War crimes Tribunal after World War II. In his famous article entitled, "Medical Science Under Dictatorship," that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 14, 1949, Dr. Alexander made clear what happens to medicine when it, "becomes subordinated to the guiding philosophy of a dictatorship."
That dictatorship today is money.
Medicine and economics are joined at the hip. But, in real economics, economic considerations, and monetary considerations are not identical. The problem today, is that monetary considerations take priority over all else. The fact that health care is considered synonymous with acquisition of health insurance today, is indicative of this monetary/health care problem.
Nor is this a government versus private sector problem. Nor is it a Republican versus Democratic Party question. We just suffered a 16-day government shutdown, that almost precipitated financial Armegeddon, courtesy of President Obama, and the Democratic and Republican Party leadership.
At the same time, USA Today of Oct. 22 reported that the top ten CEOs of the United States made $5.7 billion last year, even as we are at the verge of a financial blow-out, that will dwarf the one of 2008-2009. This is financial madness.
Are we to dismantle our health care system, based upon the recommendations of these mismanagers and people whose programs for theft would make Jesse James blush?
To remedy this crisis, we must undertake three important initiatives:
1. SEPARATE THE PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLE OF MEDICINE FROM A DISEASED ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Restore the essence of the Hippocratic Oath as the philosophical center of the medical professions. The practice of medicine is meant to serve the development of people, not Wall Street financial conglomerates, and "population reduction" agendas.
As Hippocrates said, "It is the duty of the physician, not only to do that which immediately belongs to him, but likewise to secure the cooperation of the sick, of those who are in attendance, and of all the external agents."
2. RESTORE THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT OF 1933. The same Wall Street debt bubble which is crushing the Federal government is crushing the medical profession, as well as the rest of the economy. The only way to liberate ourselves from its destructive effects, is to restore the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. Its repeal in 1999 opened the door to the growth of the biggest financial bubble in history. We must separate commercial banking from investment banking, and let Wall Street sink under the weight of its own bad investments.
No more bailouts, or bail-ins, for Wall Street.
3. IMPEACH PRESIDENT OBAMA. He has repeatedly demonstrated that he is incapable of performing the job for which we hired him. Multiple legal authorities have already assembled articles for impeachment. This man has failed you, and will allow you to die, with his inept and undeniably lethal policies that masquerade as "health care reform."
It is time for the American people and their medical community to wake up, before it is too late.
See Dr. Shelley's presentation "The Commoditization of the U.S. Health-care System" at the Schiller Institute "New Paradigm" conference in New York.