Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Circle of Life Community Link

"Orbis Vitae" means "Circle of Life". We named this website to reflect the nature of our community, which is all about people helping people.
This is not a commercial website. We don't sell anything, although we do permit a little advertising to help cover our costs.
Orbis Vitae is home to one of the most active and helpful forums on mercury poisoning and amalgam dental fillings in the world. Orbis Vitae also hosts alternative news, cutting-edge health information, and over 200 forums to help you get the information you need.
Orbis Vitae is not only a profound source of information, it is also a place to make friends, trade merchandise, and play games, review movies, and simply enjoy yourself among friends.
We're a growing community that's here to serve you. If you have ideas or suggestions, please contact us. You'll discover that we're real people who simply want to help others, so we'll do the best we can to make our community just what you need.

Things That You Can Do Now

Here are a few things that you can do to get involved in our friendly community.
1. Register with our forum
Our online forum is the central meeting place for our friends . Click Here to register now. It's easy.
2. Introduce yourself
The friendly people at the Orbis Vitae community want to get to know you. Once you've registered with the forum, take a moment to introduce yourself in our special "Introductions" forum. Click Here to introduce yourself now.
3. Browse our forums
We have one of the widest-array of diverse community-forums on the web. Take a moment to browse around to discover what interests you. Click Here to browse the community.
4. Check out our media center
We have a large collection of educational videos available throughout our website. Some can be found in our media center. Others can be found on our forum.

Know Your Enemy

The Fuel Project - Know Your EnemyKnow Your Enemy is a video series produced by The Fuel Project. This series explores world history and the New World Order.
We believe this video series provides vital information that can help everyone understand today's world. For this reason, we decided to arrange the videos here so they are easy to view in order. View it now...

Mystery Babylon

William Cooper - Mystery BabylonMystery Babylon is a 42-part series of broadcasts that changed the face of talk radio forever. For the first time in a public forum, these broadcasts exposed - in depth - the deep occultic beliefs of the global elite
When you understand these things, the nonsense and chaos in the world suddenly makes sense. View it now...

The Lost Light

William Cooper - The Lost LightThe Lost Light is a 5-part mini-series of broadcasts that expose the beliefs of the inner sanctum of global elites. For the first time in a public forum, William Cooper cast light upon the deep secrets held for centuries.
When you understand these things, the nonsense and chaos in the world suddenly makes sense. View it now...

Immunization Graphs: Natural Infectious Disease Declines

Immunization GraphsDr. Raymond Obomsawin, Ph.D. has compiled an series of graphs showing immuniation rates vs. vaccine decline. These graphs are very useful for those who want to explore the efficacy of vaccines.
Share these charts with everyone you know.
Just use this convenient short link:

Alternative News & Information

Global Skywatch The ALUMINIZATION of Our Soils! Chemical Testing On Americans?
Did you know that you are witnessing the largest crime against humanity in human history? more...
We all know that food prices are rising, but do you really know why? It's time you knew. more...
Did you know that chemical and biological testing on Americans is legal? more...
Movie Subliminals for Kids Sky Trails Made Me Ill Chemtrails In The Bible?
Are cartoons being used to indoctrinate your children? See these subliminal messages more...
Have you seen all those trailing coming out of jets? They have ruined my life. more...
The Bible contains compelling predictions about mass-public poisoning. more...
Poison In Your Mouth? Cure for Autism? Do Vaccines Work?
Do you have "silver" dental fillings? This video shows mercury off-gassing into your mouth. more...
According to one man, hundreds of parents have reversed autism in their children. more...
These shocking graphs show just how successful vaccination programs have actually been. more...
Drugs in the Bible? The #1 (Secret) Cause of Death No Constitutional Protection
The Bible makes some astounding predictions about the use of drugs in the "last days". more...
Statistically, it's the largest cause of death in human history, but you've never heard about it. more...
This new & shocking video reveals why the Constitution does not apply to you. more...
Maine Attacked from the Sky Is Depopulation Real? Is Global Warming True?
People are sick, and the source of this rapidly-spreading illness may be a shock to you. more...
Is there a connection between autism and population control programs? Watch this epic lecture.more...
This 3-minute video reveals the actual data that has been used to expose global warming. more...
Alfred Adask, Sovereignty Coming Soon Coming Soon
An astounding interview that reveals who you are and the power you have in law . more...
Coming Soon . more...
Coming Soon . more...

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